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Celplan Technologies

Celplan Technologies

Headquartered in Reston, VA, CelPlan® Technologies provides planning and optimization for multiple wireless technologies (mobile and fixed). With multi-technology capabilities, CelPlan, serves global market from GSM Planning to WiMax Planning. The CelPlanner suite has extremely detailed features for all technologies including GSM and WiMax, DVB-H and UWB. CelPlan is the first company to develop a WiMax planning feature in a RF planning software world wide. With the fast growing broadband market, CelPlan managed to develop a highly accurate and functional WiMax planning tool.

Through a unique alliance, Mapversa’s 15-meter (regional-level) and 5-meter (city-level) RF Maps are converted into a Celplanner Suite compatible map database for use by its users/partners in Wireless Planning and Optimization.

Simmetry Wireless [], a wholly owned subsidiary of Adams Telephone Co-Operative Company, is one of the latest additions to our RF Maps database users through Celplan. Simmetry Wireless is a Cellular Service Provider having the unique unlimited calling facility within its having home coverage in the cities of Galesburg, Macomb, Quincy, Jacksonville in IL and Hannibal in MO.

To learn more about Celplan Technologies, Inc., visit

To learn more about Simmetry Wireless, visit



Yesh Tiwari
General Manager

Mob: +91 (90) 52211668
Fax: 858.408.1997

MapVersa (USA)
Tel: 858.300.5513
Fax: 858.408.1997

  • Annova Technologies is now L1 Technologies Solutions

  • Mapversa launches 5-Meter RF Maps for 538 cities in India

  • Mapversa launches 3D City maps of Mumbai and Delhi

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  • AWS TruePower

  • Maporama

  • Noroconsult Telematics

  • IDEA Cellular Limited

L1 Technologies acquired Mapversa for their extensive knowledge and expertise in geo-spatial products and services, as well as their proprietary map data of India. 

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