Remote Sensing
Mapversa, having worked with many commercially available satellite data products including IKONOS, QuickBird, SPOT, ASTER, IRS and Landsat, has extensive expertise in satellite image interpretation and processing.
Land use/land cover/clutter (wireless) data mapping
High-resolution urban mapping
Crop classification from High and Low resolution imagery
Forest density mapping and species level forest mapping
Geospatial Data Management
Through GIS data conversion, migration, maintenance and mapping services, Mapversa provides multiple industries and governments with accurate, high-quality geospatial data to improve the way they conduct business. Our team has expertise in:
Data Conversion, Data Conflation and Data Migration
Change Detection Mapping
Parcel Mapping/Cadastral Mapping/Golf CourseMapping
Data Maintenance
Geocoding Services
Mapversa provides custom geocoding services per customer specifications and requirements using a set of tools ranging from batch geocoding (proprietary geocoding software) to manual intervention geocoding. Our team has expertise in:
Appending latitude/longitude to an address
Address standardization
Address categorization
Appending PINdex +4
Customized GIS Application Development
Mapversa uses platform independent and open source technologies to build customized geospatial software applications. Using our IMAPS map engine, custom applications can be quickly developed to satisfy most requirements.
Web mapping services
Mapping and maintenance tool set
Business GIS applications
Location based (LBS) applications