Pioneer Seeds

Pioneer Seeds India, a wholly owned operation of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., is a leading agricultural genetics company providing research and parent seed operations. Their network of efficient distributorships provides proprietary Pioneer® brand corn and sunflower hybrids, grain sorghum, pearl millet, rice and mustard seed to farmers across India.
Mapversa provided a Geo-Monitoring Application for Pioneer’s Sales & Marketing Division. This application allows users to monitor the sales on a map via the web and generate customized sales reports. One of the key components of the above mentioned Geo application is our proprietary PINdex map database which allows Pinoneer to use the PIN code as their geographic unit of sales planning and reporting.
To learn more about Pioneer Seeds India, visit
Yesh Tiwari
General Manager
Mob: +91 (90) 52211668
Fax: 858.408.1997
MapVersa (USA)
Tel: 858.300.5513
Fax: 858.408.1997